Thursday, April 9, 2015

Bunny Farts

Haven't posted on this blog in a long time, and well, now seemed like the time to start again.

Quick update, my daughters are now six and eight and I've spent my increasing "leisure" time trying to become a writer. The novel is science fiction and considers a wide range of moral and scientific issues.

So, this morning I'm deep in thought considering historical splits in the church between male/ female, jewish/ christian, divinization/ moralistic, and spiritual/ philosophy. Deep deep thoughts on my part. My youngest daughter walks in and asks if I want to hear a joke. Sure, I reply.

My smiling daughter asks, "What is invisible and smells like carrots?"

Pulling my thoughts to the present and weakly reply, "Air?"

"No, bunny farts!" She giggles and runs out of the room.

Never under estimate the ability of a child to remind you a sense of humor trumps all.